Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Does the use of materials make the flat surface more interesting?

Materials I use to weave with are very important for all kinds of reasons. I prefer to use materials that are special in some way. Whether they are very old, exotic or precious like silk, these factors can sometimes influence what I might make with them. I don’t often feel this sense of coveting with paper (although I do love my paints). Some yarns such as silk do carry a luminosity that is impossible to recreate with any other material. I have also noticed that some interesting things happen within a tapestry when using different materials. Even though tapestry is for all intents a flat medium, using wool and cotton in different parts of the tapestry can help create a sense of depth by alluding to one part being in front of the other.
I like to use materials that may have already had a life. A few years ago I was lucky enough to be given box filled with antique threads and materials from Japan. Since then, I have tried to collect as much exotic materials as possible. Besides being interesting to look at, they are fun to use because I feel like I am giving them a new life as a tapestry.

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